Empowering Your Team Part 1 of 5 - Start with Fascination

I’ve recently had the privilege of being interviewed on a couple of podcasts (you can find my previous interviews on the Media Page on my website). During the most recent interviews, I was asked how a leader can empower others.

In my book, Right Now Leadership, I share a series of mindsets and habits people can use to empower others, but here I want to share a few layers deeper. You’ll learn about the four practical steps to empowering others. Let’s first define what I mean by empowering others.

In short, engaging their whole person, especially their unconscious mind, to do things that fit who they are and what they are about to their benefit (and, in turn, yours or the organization’s). Before you click away because this seems like it could be a ChatGPT email, it’s not, and I assure you, these steps are different than you’ve heard before.

Start with Fascination

Do you remember the last time you talked to someone and they utterly fascinated you? I mean, you were riveted by their stories, experiences, and who they are (or were). This is the starting point for genuinely empowering others.

Think about the people in your life that you lead and love. Are you fascinated by them? Do you assume they have amazing and interesting stories? Are you intrigued by the way they think and how they solve problems? This can be your spouse, an employee, or your child. When you start with fascination, your unconscious mind engages differently with that person. Just think back to the person who came to mind. How engaged was your body language, your listening, your unconscious mind?